Inspired by the documentary I Love Trash, (A documentary that follows two friends as they live for three months by getting everything they need out of the trash. They arrive at an unfurnished apartment with the clothes on their back and a flashlight, and we slowly see them decorate their apartment and make clothes from things they've found in dumpsters. The film is a compelling journey of two friends as they make a life out of what others throw away, calling into question our society of consumption. ) Though not quite as extreme, I've decided to pledge to only buy second hand or hand made material items for one year, starting 8/14/11.
What items does this include?
- Clothing (yes, even footwear!)
- Kitchenware
- Home Decor
- Books
- Furniture
- Sporting Goods
- Outdoor & Garden
- Gifts (even Christmas!)
What items does this NOT include?
- Food
- Toiletries
- Cleaning Supplies
- Medicine
- Pet Food/Litter
- Business items
- Car maintenance items
- Home appliances/electronics
I have been shopping at thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets, curbs and craigslist for many, many years. It has become a hobby of mine, and it is thrilling to find a "good deal," especially now with the economy the way it is. It seems as though the prices of many things are rising, but quality is going the opposite direction. For instance, I would rather take my time finding a quality piece of solid wood furniture second hand, for half the price of a brand new piece that is made of particle board.
In addition to finding good, quality items at fractions of retail prices, buying second hand or handmade is good for the environment and the local economy. That being said, if you have "stuff" that you want to get rid of, don't throw it out just yet. Consider donating it to your local thrift store, putting it up on craigslist or listing it on ebay. If you have no idea how to sell something online, contact me! I would be happy to help sell it, or even buy it from you!
Leave a comment below if you would like to join me in this challenge!
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